Have questions about the certification?

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ENROLLMENT opens October 2024

October 2024


Your skills are worth more in the business world than you may realize. 

Leverage your natural-born talents and expertise for more income and impact with the Director of Operations Certification.

The framework, methods, and training to position yourself as a strategic partner, uplevel your offers, and command higher prices without working more hours or trading time for dollars.

As a project manager, business manager, HR expert, or whatever ops title you go by…

Your unique skillset makes the business world go ‘round. 

Operations and management are your jam – your sweet spot.

Whether through natural talent, real-world experience, or a combination of the two, you can’t deny your love of systems, delight with lists and spreadsheets, and knack for keeping teams running smoothly. 

Yet for the years of business or project management experience you have (whether for an employer or clients), do you feel like something is missing?

Raise your hand if you’re feeling:

Burnt out and ready to exchange doing #allthethings for higher-level work…

Stuck serving wrong-fit clients who don’t see your potential (or that of the business)...

Overqualified for your current role with no way to move up in income potential…

Uncertain of how to step into leadership and stand out as a strategic partner…

You are not alone.

Raise your hand if you’re feeling:

  • Burnt out and ready to exchange doing #allthethings for higher-level work…

  • Stuck serving wrong-fit clients who don’t see your potential (or that of the business)...

  • Overqualified for your current role with no way to move up in income potential…

  • Uncertain of how to step into leadership and stand out as a strategic partner…

You are not alone.

Do you dread working in the weeds as a VA, PM, or OBM but can’t see a way out of all the tasks? There’s gotta be a better way, but what could it be? 

Do you want to reach your highest potential as an operator so you can be fulfilled in how you show up? More pay, more appreciation, more meaningful work… 

Are you ready to be seen as a strategic business partner doing executive-level work that truly represents your potential? There’s more to ops than daily management tasks.

Do you desire time freedom to spend more of your hours with the people you love while still providing the highest-level service? 

Do you crave money freedom to support your family in the way your heart desires instead of trading hours for dollars like you are now?

Are you ready for ease, impact, and fulfillment because what you do is in alignment with who you truly are? 

There is a massive gap between where you are now and the level you
want to be serving at – and you know it. 

There is a massive gap between where you are now and the
level you want to be serving at
and you know it. 

You have a deep desire to level up your operations expertise to obtain freedom, income, and opportunity for impact. You have scoured the internet to find just the right training or program that will get you there, only to be let down. 

So you continue to stay stuck in what you’ve always done. 

Even if you’re prepared to make changes to how you serve and show up as an ops professional, there’s only so much you can pull together on your own. If only you had a crystal-clear roadmap to follow.

Oh, if only you could wrap up your work experiences, training, education, and giftings into a career that makes you a right-hand advisor to the visionary CEOs.

That’s the dream, right! 

The path from where you are now to where you want to be is fuzzy but you’re ready to bring it all into focus. 

So the big question presents itself...

How can you fill the gaps in your training to GAIN the:

Proven Systems



Thought Leadership

Strategic Thinking

that you need to be seen as an ops leader, instead of an ops doer?

that you need to be seen as an ops leader, instead of an ops doer?

How relieved would you feel to have the tested-and-true framework and systems to round out your already-incredible operations giftings? 

How confidence-boosting would it be to have an Accountability Advisor holding your hand and guiding you towards that high-level work?

How life-changing would it be to command higher compensation and a more valued role to the leaders you serve because of the brilliance you bring to the table?

Friend, you don’t have to wing it anymore.

It’s possible to leverage your skills and knowledge

to command strategic-level ops work.

Yes, this is attainable
– because I’ve been where you are and paved the way so you don’t have to figure it out yourself. 

Hey hey, I’m Natalie, a former project manager and human resources leader turned mentor for high-level operators.

After 15 years of working in operations roles at a Fortune 150 company, I FINALLY asked the big question: “Is this really the career path that will best serve my purpose, my people, and myself?”

Thus began my journey into entrepreneurship as I served dozens of 6 and 7-figure visionaries through my project management and strategic planning skills. 

By leveraging my experience (and tailoring it to the online and small business space), I kept businesses running smoothly so the CEOs could focus on being visionaries – building relationships, being the sales engine, and creating content. 

As a result, we scaled their businesses with my proprietary Strategic Mapping ModelTM, built purposeful teams, and established repeatable systems that produced higher profits. However, I took on way too many clients and worked too many hours, trying to achieve both the income and the lifestyle I had dreamt of.

It took a lot of time, energy, and investment in myself, but finally I found a way to serve at the highest level, be seen as a strategic partner in the business, and get paid the income my experience and skills were worth.

The answer was stepping into the Director of Operations role

I soon saw the demand for this key position in businesses all around me: 

  1. Operations are the KEY to a business having what it needs to grow.

  2. Visionaries NEED a trusted strategic partner with operations skills.

  3. Operators often struggle to show up as the experts we are, but once we do – watch out, world.

In the structure of businesses – small businesses, especially –

We have visionary business owners on one hand, who lack operations experts they can trust with decisions that impact the success of the business. 

We have ops professionals on the other hand, with the skill sets and gifts to offer these visionaries but who lack the training and confidence to step into those leadership roles. 

The truth of the matter is, friend…

The skills you’ve been born with are a hot commodity.

The world needs you and your operational leadership. 

The truth is that businesses can’t thrive without it. 

You may not even realize that the way you’re wired can be a serious advantage to your career.

It’s time to find a bridge to close that gap – to get you from here to there – so you can position yourself for high-level leadership roles you’re more than capable of.

  • Proprietary frameworks and systems that give confidence, structure, and immediate income-producing opportunities to your skillset as an operator instead of the piecemeal way you’ve learned in the past.

  • Tried-and-true methods that immediately elevate your value and earning potential and give you a path towards creating an offer aligned with your gifts.

  • A widely-recognized certification confirming you know what you say you know so you’re not just tooting your own horn.

Gain the credibility and know-how to leverage your leadership abilities on a bigger stage, take charge of your own success, and create the life you truly want.

You can go from where you are now to

the high-level work you were called to do. 

Be recognized for the high-level value you bring as an operator when you say yes to the

Director of Operations Certification.

The system for female project managers, HR professionals, and operations managers like you who want to level up to strategic, leadership operations roles in a way that leverages gifts, brings ease to work, and builds legacy for your family. 

The DOO Certification is more than a piece of paper. It’s more than a course or group program. Becoming a certified DOO is the way to operational excellence.  

The DOO Certification is a collection of the greatest ops frameworks, proprietary tools and methods, and systems designed to take you from being an ops implementer to a strategic ops leader.

Is this exactly what you’re looking for? 

What you’ll be getting out of leveling up through the DOO Certification

The word “uplevel” is used in a great deal of online marketing, so when you hear “uplevel” in terms of operations, you might wonder what exactly that means. 

As a DOO, you will...

Show up as an expert

  • Stop doing work that doesn’t light you up or is below your skill level (because you have the certification to prove to the world that you’re an executive-level asset)

  • Obtain and perfect high-level operations skills in the key areas of operations (even if you don’t have previous experience in all the core areas of ops)

Take control of your career

  • Charge for the value you bring in a business (without questioning your skills, value, or ability to perform)

  • Design a business or career path that aligns with your natural gifts and personal goals (without sacrificing what matters most to you)

Take control of your career

  • Charge for the value you bring in a business (without questioning your skills, value, or ability to perform)

  • Design a business or career path that aligns with your natural gifts and personal goals (without sacrificing what matters most to you)

Become a strategic partner

  • Wow your leaders with the immense value you bring to the table (without spending hours creating your own frameworks and templates)

  • Get on the same page with your visionary CEO (so that you both are focused on the key priorities in the business)

Become a strategic partner

  • Wow your leaders with the immense value you bring to the table (without spending hours creating your own frameworks and templates)

  • Get on the same page with your visionary CEO (so that you both are focused on the key priorities in the business)

Become part of a powerful community

  • Reach out to your network of like-minded women for support (so that you never have to feel alone in your ops career)

  • Access job opportunities geared towards certified DOOs (so you can focus on the roles that match your skill set and personal goals)

Become part of a powerful community

  • Reach out to your network of like-minded women for support (so that you never have to feel alone in your ops career)

  • Access job opportunities geared towards certified DOOs (so you can focus on the roles that match your skill set and personal goals)

Yes, when we say “uplevel”, we mean it – in ways that increase authority, earning power, and leadership potential. 

As a DOO, you won’t just be a PM or OBM anymore. 

Become a strategic ops partner for a successful, scaling business.

Become a strategic ops partner for a successful, scaling business.

In the DOO role, you will:

  • Integrate over implement.

  • Lead and build teams. 

  • Design strategies and new offers.

  • Implement systems and processes that lead toward increased profit and impact.

  • Integrate over implement.

  • Lead and build teams. 

  • Design strategies and new offers.

  • Implement systems and processes that lead toward increased profit and impact.

You’ll walk hand-in-hand with your visionary CEO, and accomplish all of this good through your innate leadership skills that have finally found their season to blossom. 

More than a project manager or business manager, your operations leadership and thoughtful knowledge of the business will help direct the ship as the CEO leans into your expertise and trusts you to make decisions to drive the company forward in impact and profit. 

As a DOO, you’re no longer the doer of #allthethings, but an invaluable, executive-level team player for CEOs that desperately need the support you bring to the table because of the validation, frameworks, and confidence the DOO certification will give you. 

The DOO Certification is a 6 month program that expands on the God-given talents you already have.

Content is specifically curated to grow you in operations frameworks, give you the opportunity to specialize in specific areas like finance, KPIs, human resources and project management, train you in proprietary, income-producing skills like the Strategic Mapping Model™, and provide the stepping stones for you to level up in clients and earning potential. 

Discover what's inside the DOO:

Pillar 1: Foundations


While it’s essential to have the operations skills to be an effective Director of Operations, it’s also vital to have the right mindset. That’s why we don’t just cover core operational skills but also provide additional resources to help you in your overall career. 

After, you will be able to:

  • Understand why mindset matters to you and to your leaders

  • Recognize your own mindset issues and areas where you can grow

  • Know how to show up powerfully as a leader for yourself, your projects and your team

Mission, Vision + Values

Begin the program completing fundamental exercises that are often overlooked, but necessary to create a strong foundation for your business. These will be a guiding light as you build your business and are faced with daily decisions.

After, you will be able to:

  • Make decisions based on values created from your highest priorities 

  • Feel confident enforcing boundaries you’ve set

  • Clearly communicate what you do, how you do it and who you do it for to attract your ideal clientSet personal and business visions to aspire to

DOO Business Models

As a Certified DOO, you will have plenty of businesses to support and in certifying hundreds of students, we’ve found defining characteristics that create a working environment that naturally allow your skill sets to thrive.

After, you will be able to:

  • Understand the various types of businesses that use operational support

  • Identify which business structures are ready for a DOO and strategic partner

Pillar 2: Strategic Mapping Model™

One of the biggest challenges of working as a Director of Operations is ensuring that everyone is on the same page about where the business is going. That’s why our proprietary Strategic Mapping ModelTM™ is so vital to every ops expert, and why it’s been referred to as “the gold” of this program. You’ll learn what it is, how to implement it, and even have the opportunity to practice with others.No other operations certification teaches you what is inside the Strategic Mapping Model™, and this skill and offer alone will help you monetize the certification nearly immediately. 

At the end, you’ll be able to:

  • Start every client relationship right by getting on the same page and setting the strategy for the future with the Strategic Mapping Model™ 

  • Implement a tangible process that will impress your employer or clients and have you confident as a strategic partner in the business 

  • Package, price, and sell this new service so you’re immediately bringing revenue in because of the certification

Pillar 3: DOO Disciplines

DOO Role Overview

How do you set yourself apart as a Director of Operations? Communication! You’ll learn best practices to implement from discovery call to onboarding to leading your first team meeting and all of the inbetween like contracts, invoices and key documents. 

After,  you’ll be able to:

  • Conduct a discovery call with confidence

  • Lead your new client through a seamless onboarding process 

  • Add resources and templates to your business from our toolkit

  • Share regular reporting + lead core meetings

Project Management

management. In this module, you will gain practical skills and insights into how to effectively manage a project with a leadership mindset, including identifying stakeholders, setting a budget, monitoring progress, and more. You’ll have the chance to not only learn the necessary elements of project management but also practice them with a case study.

When you complete this training, you will:

  • Effectively set up and manage projects in your client or employer’s business

  • Add to your toolbelt with templates for managing a project from start to finish

  • Learn our methodology for creating and documenting processes

Human Resources

As a strategic partner in your client’s or employer’s business, you may oversee and manage the human resources of the organization. In this 3-part module, you will learn about Talent + Diversity, Hiring, and Managing + Development. This module will allow you to bring immense value to your clients or employer because of the breadth and depth of the training you’ll receive.

By the end of this module, you will:

  • Understand and oversee the entire

  • Talent Management Cycle

  • Perform an Organizational Design

  • Have a plug and play system for successful hiring

  • Effectively manage team members + build team culture 

  • Offer multiple services in the HR realm within an organization or as stand alone services


When serving as a DOO, your ability to understand financials and perform basic financial reporting is key. This skill will set you apart from other service providers as you’ll be able to help your client or employer make informed decisions. In this module, you will gain training and practice in the area of financials–no more feeling afraid of the finances!

Afterwards, you’ll:

  • Understand key financial terms and be able to interpret reports so you can communicate confidently around financial health

  • Know the questions you need to ask leaders during onboarding in order to gain an accurate view of their financials

  • Be able to provide strategic financial guidance to your leader–priceless!


Once you have the foundational strategy set for the business, it’s essential to know what KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you’ll track, have a plan for how to track them, as well as keep track of vital business information. In this module, you’ll learn exactly how to do all of these… even if you’re not a data nerd!

When you complete this training, you will:

  • Know why KPIs matter and understand our process to identify

  • KPIs Set up a report for the businesses you are serving in

  • Manage tracking, reporting and reassessing KPIs

Pillar 4: Business Coaching

Offer Creation + Hot Seat Coaching

It’s time to take action! You’ll revisit your Mission, Vision + Values statement and select the business pathway you’re going to pursue. Then answer 5 P’s; process, packaging, pricing, pitching, and prospecting for your new offer. These weeks include video trainings, co-working sessions, and live hot seat coaching. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • Map out your customer journey

  • Have an offer and package that over delivers without sacrificing boundaries 

  • Establish a price for your offer, based on your financial goals 

Momentum Week

Action creates confidence and confidence creates cash! You’ll learn best practices and tips on how to prospect, pitch, and sell your brand new sparkly offer then get out there and do it. This week includes video trainings, daily live action calls, and concludes with our graduation celebration.

Afterwards, you will:

  • Identify who to start having conversations with about your new offer and how  

  • Learn best practices for prospecting and referrals 

  • Participate in our challenges to move your business forward

  • Celebrate all of your dedication, success, and accomplishments

Within each module of the certification, you’ll receive:

  • Video Training

  • Interactive workbook and supplemental resources, tools, frameworks

  • Weekly, live coaching calls led by Natalie or an Expert Coach

  • Case Study to gain mastery

Extra goodies to support your success

  • A personal accountability coach (so you stay on track and have support when you need it)

  • Program milestones (to evaluate your progress and make sure you’re understanding the material)

  • Private FB group for your round (so you can build close-knit relationships with your peers)

  • DOO Support Sessions for peer networking and additional support

What makes us different?

The Ops Authority Advantage

How do you take your skills and talents in the operations space and show up as a strategic operations expert that can immediately deliver a return on your investment?

Through the proprietary Strategic Mapping Model™ that we teach you to implement and sell. 

How do you shake off the dust as a doer of all kinds of tasks and step into a business as a leader who supports their visionary CEO through strategic decision-making and implementation that grows the business?

Through the leadership and mindset training provided in this Certification.

How can you take everything you know and translate that into a more fulfilling career, higher level clients, and increased income?  

Through frameworks and systems that have been proven to work so you don’t have to wing it anymore. Your roadmap to success is a clear, well-worn path that hundreds of other women have used to pave the way to their success. 

There are 3 keys to undeniable ops success:


The DOO certification will increase your confidence in your natural operations skills and talents while also showing yourself and all who interact with you that you know your stuff and have a certification to prove it. 


The DOO Certification will guide you through our tested intellectual property in the 5 core areas of operations: Strategy, Project Management, Human Resources, Financials, and Data. Our Strategic Mapping ModelTM is the “gold” of our program and fast-tracks the way that you can both impact your clients AND see an ROI from money spent on the certification.


The DOO Certification will guide you through our tested intellectual property in the 5 core areas of operations: Strategy, Project Management, Human Resources, Financials, and Data. Our Strategic Mapping ModelTM is the “gold” of our program and fast-tracks the way that you can both impact your clients AND see an ROI from money spent on the certification.


The DOO Certification is a close-knit community of like-minded women who provide encouragement, support, and tough love when you need it. Plus, there’s a whole referral network out there ready to pass your name onto your next right-fit client because they’ve gotten to know, love, and trust you through the certification. 

Becoming a certified DOO is all this and more

  • You don’t have to go out and hire a mindset coach to work on your confidence.

  • It’s not necessary to spend tens of thousands and several years on a business education to learn about operations.

  • You don’t have to go searching for your biz besties or multiple coaches who also understand the world of operations.


When you join the Director of Operations Certification, we are making a commitment to one another. You are committing to yourself and to the program so that you can take the next step in your career. Along the same vein, our team is committed to providing you with top-notch training, unparalleled support, plus the coaching and guidance to help you be successful in becoming your next best self.

We only admit applicants who are a perfect-fit for the DOO certification. Due to the parameters for entry and the high-touch nature of the program, there are no refunds or money-back guarantees. We are fully committed to your success and everything we do is for that purpose and intent.


Funding options available. 

What the application process looks like: 

How is this program different from an OBM certification? 

The DOO certification vs the OBM certification – we could share our own opinion on what makes this program different than an online business manager certification, but instead, let’s allow our fellow operators to tell us the difference:

Danielle Fisher says: “A DOO definitely performs at a higher strategic level. An OBM manages the team and day-to-day operations and is still somewhat of a ‘doer’... whereas a DOO develops the strategy for these things but isn't hands-on in the implementation.”

Stephanie Lefakis says: “They are completely different roles. An OBM is a doer in a business; they build systems and make things work together. OBMs are VAs that want to uplevel their skillset and make more money by having the title of OBM. DOOs are planners and strategy-focused, and they help manage the big picture of the business.”

Jane de Vos says: “DOO is a step up from OBM. It is a bigger role and is much more about the strategy than the doing.”

Emily Britton-Arnold says: “OBM Is a more managerial position where DOO is more strategic, even visioning in its role. There is more executive presence in a DOO role. I have experienced more equity with my CEO counterparts and more empowerment in the work I'm doing.

We encourage you to look at the work you’re doing now and dream ahead to the future work your passions and giftings are made for. Are you absolutely lit up by being a “doer?” Hanging out in the weeds of the business managing and completely daily tasks? Or do you find your fire by working hand-in-hand with the decision makers of the business? Helping to guide the ship with strategy and vision and expertise? 

The answer your heart gives to that question will help you see the difference between the DOO and OBM certifications and which is right for you. 

If you have already completed the OBM certification and you are prepared to “graduate up” to a more strategic role, the DOO program will only build on what you’ve learned and support you as you seek to get to that place of high-level planning and strategy for the businesses you work for. 

If I’m already an OBM, is this program for me?

Unlike an OBM, DOO’s utilize the expertise of the business owner or marketing director to guide the strategy. The DOO position is an executive-level role that can be a progression from the OBM role. This certification will allow an OBM to level up your client base so you can move toward a business model with fewer clients and more profit. You will also learn new frameworks that can be monetized immediately and many of our DOOs upleveled their career through our program after first certifying as an OBM. 

How much time do I need to commit to this program on a weekly basis? 

All students should plan to dedicate up to 3 hours per week to consume and implement the weekly content and curriculum and attend our weekly sessions.

Does this program teach how to start an operations business?

This program is not designed for a novice operations skillset. It is for established operators. Some will have existing businesses and others will be taking the leap from corporate to entrepreneurship. Ultimately, this is for those who are established operators, leaders, and ready to take their skills to the next level.

Do you have a program syllabus I can see?

Yes, absolutely – you can download the syllabus to review course topics and schedule here.

What’s the difference between a certification and a course? 

A course does not have any criteria to join and complete, and it is also usually self-paced. A certification has a beginning and end date, and there is also criteria to join or complete the program. 

The DOO certification is more than just a piece of paper that shares your credibility for a position – within  certification is the power to command higher prices, specialize your services, become a more valuable strategic partner to businesses who are desperate for your skills, and use it to design a perfect-fit business – and life – you love. 

Can I buy this program for a team member? 

Absolutely! It’s so important for business owners to support their team members, especially if they love your business as much as you do. Just make sure they’re ready for the leap too!

What’s the investment for the program? 

The current cost of the program is $7,500. There are several options available to you. 

1) 3 payments of $2,500, 6 payments of $1,250 or 12 payments of $625. 

2) We also have an external funding option. It’s through an outside agency who will qualify you. When approved, you can take out all or some of the financial assistance you need. The great thing about this is that your payments, which will now be made the outside agency, can be spread out longer than 12 months and significantly reduce your monthly payment.

Do you have a cheaper, DIY version instead?

The massive value in this program exists in the customized mentoring for you and your business. While the content is uniform for all members, the way you utilize it and implement it into your life and business is highly personalized. There is no way to effectively DIY that portion of the program.

Is there a money-back guarantee? 

This is a highly-vetted program and we will not enroll a member that is not a perfect fit. To that end, there is no money-back or refund in place as it is highly unnecessary considering the program parameters for entry.

I’m still in my corporate career; will this certification be beneficial to me?

Yes! The enrollment split is about 70% for small business owners and entrepreneurs to 30% for employees (or dedicated to one business). We have had several women go through the certification as an employee looking to uplevel her skills to move into a DOO role or other high-level, strategic operational role at her W9. We welcome you and encourage you to do this certification for your career development. 

What are the certification requirements? 

There are three requirements that we will track as you’re navigating the certification experience. To graduate this program, we require:

1. 90% of the course content is viewed.

2. 70% of live calls are attended, live or recorded.

3. 50% of case studies submitted.

What’s the deal with the Strategic Mapping Model™? Everyone is raving about it.

Oh friend, so glad you asked. The Strategic Mapping Model™, affectionately known as SMM for short, has been called the “gold” of the DOO certification program. It is one of our pride and joy offerings at the Ops Authority and no other ops program – certification or otherwise – has such a model within its content. 

We teach SMM as one of our core operations skills because it not only helps you come into your Director of Operations role with a plan to get everyone in the business on the same page about where the business is going, you’ll get to show off your brilliance and expertise by even suggesting this work to your CEO. 

Impress your employer or clients AND boost your confidence?That’s a win-win every time. Our proprietary Strategic Mapping Model™ is vital to every ops expert, and this skill and offer alone will help you monetize the certification nearly immediately.

I am (or my spouse is) a disabled veteran. Can I get reimbursed for this course by the VA?

You might be eligible! The VA offers reimbursement programs for educational programs for veterans and their dependents, including the DOO Certification Program.

Here's what to do next:

1. Contact your local VA office. They can help you determine your eligibility and complete the necessary forms.

2. Once you've spoken with the VA, reach back out to us. We'll be happy to assist you in completing any additional forms required by our program.


We don’t just make lofty promises about what we believe our DOO students will be able to do as a result of the certification. We track the data and make sure we are delivering on the promises! 

  • 97% report increased confidence in their strategic partnership abilities

  • 93% demonstrate enhanced leadership skills

  • 81% successfully implemented new operational initiatives or processes

  • 80% advanced to higher-level responsibilities or roles

  • 90% program completion rate (compared to 15% online industry average)

  • 90% participant satisfaction rate (versus 45% online industry standard)

  • 93% Accountability Advisor satisfaction rate 

  • $730,454 in revenue generated by utiizing the Strategic Mapping Method™ since Fall 2020

  • 420 women certified as Directors of Operations as of September 2024

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we… 

We can call her “Financial Investment.” 

The biggest objection we hear when women are interested in breaking through the ceiling of their own career or business is that this certification is a lot of money. If you’re thinking this, you’re not alone.

Financial investments can be scary. Anything in the mid-to-high 4-figure range is a significant chunk of change. 

But think about where you are right now… career, business, life. 

The Bottom Line Is...

The Bottom Line Is...

  • Are you happy with the clients you’re serving, the way you’re showing up in their businesses, and the money you’re making?

  • Or do you wish you could command higher prices because your clients see the value in your expertise? 

  • Are you content in your current role as an operator and know you’re hitting your highest potential?

  • Or do you wish you could command an executive-level role because of the value you bring to the company?

In less than 6 months, we’ll help you get to that level by certifying you as a Director of Operations. 

There are so many ways that you can make up the difference and cover the cost of the program, including but not limited to increasing your prices alongside your increased confidence and skill set, to boldly reach out to potential clients in order to boost your client roster, create a new service and offer it to current clients, and more. 

If you have a growth mindset and realize that opportunities truly are endless, you can absolutely see an immediate return on your investment. The majority of our students easily do.

We’ve been told that our program is equivalent to a Master’s level program, and we are confident that if you take what you learn, you will be able to receive a full ROI on your investment.

71% of our women receive a FULL ROI on their investment in the program within the 6 months that it takes to complete the program. 

You can be one of them. 

Don’t just take our word for it. Here is what some of our students have to say: 

All this skills and business development for
$7,500 or $1,250/month

As part of the application, you’ll need to have the following: 

The DOO certification is for you if:

You have over two years of experience in management and a desire to lead.

You want to be fully credentialed in all aspects of operations.

You’re ready to uplevel your clients and your business in a sustainable way.

You want access to proven proprietary tools and resources that help you monetize this investment right away.

You desire access to a mentor and community that gets who you are and what you do.

You want to build and scale a business that supports you — not the other way around.

The DOO certification is not for you if:

Operations aren’t your cup of tea or you’re brand new to this world.

You’d prefer to spend your money and time figuring it out on your own.

Credentials aren’t important to you and you don’t see the value in external validation.

You’re satisfied with your business and income as it is right now.

You aren’t invested in your own personal or professional development and have no desire to grow.

A fulfilling career that supports the legacy life you desire.

Friend, if we could sit down and have a heart-to-heart,

this is what I’d tell you...

Friend, if we could sit down and have a heart-to-heart, this is what I’d tell you...

This certification isn’t another silver bullet offer. This isn’t just another course or group program that will only serve to frustrate or stall your progress as an operator. 

Becoming a DOO means having a real, actionable skill set that will enhance your value and scale your business, without eating up more of your valuable time. I created this program for all my fellow business and project managers, integrators, and operations experts out there so you could have a way to package up and stick a tangible value on the goodness you bring to the table every single day. 

The two things you may lack? (I know because I’ve been in your shoes…)

  • the system and certification that combines your gifts and talents under one roof and designing a career that serves you well and 

  • the confidence to claim it and take action for the future you dream of.

As a DOO, you won’t be winging it anymore. 

You won’t be questioning your skills or merit. 

You’ll have everything you need to crush your personal and professional goals as an operator and bring massive value to the table. 

I’m definitely a change-the-world kind of gal. I’m guessing that you are, too – and that you have all the skills, talent, and heart it takes to be a great DOO. 

Discover this life-changing transformation and more when you become

a certified Director of Operations. 

Discover this life-changing transformation and more when you become a certified Director of Operations. 

If you’re ready to take the next step and say yes to your future self, you’re personally invited to submit an application.

Your application doesn’t commit you to the DOO program; it simply begins the conversation and allows you to start dreaming bigger than you’ve ever dreamed before.

  • World-class support to level up your work and serve dream clients in a way that lights you up and showcases your best gifts.98% have become more leaderly 

  • Proprietary, highly-sought after methods that give you a career edge over others in the ops space.

  • Confidence and joy knowing that you are making an impact through your work, and through that work, an impact on the legacy of your family.

Can you see yourself as a DOO?

Let’s do big things together.

The Ops Authority® values diversity in our clients, students, employees, and partnerships. Your race, faith, age, your gender, sexual orientation, neuro-differences, your abilities, and your opinions are FULLY celebrated here. We will not compromise these for any reason or for any person. The Ops Authority® is a zero-tolerance employer against judgment, discrimination, slander, and retaliatory acts. We don’t hate a soul and take significant pride in elevating all!

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